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Infant Writing

Writing is initially taught alongside phonics, with pupils applying their phonics skills as they learn them in each session. Our writing sessions in year 1 and 2 are often linked to our topic but can also be taught discreetly. Writing is an integral part of our curriculum and all children from EYFS to Year 2 are provided with many opportunities to develop and apply their writing skills across the curriculum.

In EYFS children have access to a range of writing materials and opportunities and we aim to give the children as many real life writing opportunities as possible, for example writing shopping lists when in a shop role play set up or writing letters to Santa.

This then continues into KS1 in a more structured way, where we begin to look more closely at different texts types and identify their key features before having a go at writing our own versions. As part of writing lessons, all pupils are supported to develop transcription and composition skills through high quality, engaging teaching opportunities and use of cross-curricular approaches. We place high value on oral rehearsal and children have many opportunities to speak words, sentences and series of sentences, before we expect them to write them.

Children in EYFS are given frequent opportunities to write, both through adult-led activities and through carefully planned provision in the Early Years areas which allows opportunities for pupils to develop from initial mark-making right through to writing full & coherent sentences.

In Key Stage 1 teachers teach writing through cross-curricular opportunities as well as discrete sessions for grammar, punctuation and spelling. Teachers give pupils writing tasks which develop their skills carefully. Writing is always linked to a current topic, text or activity and teachers look for opportunities for pupils to write for real purposes, such as writing letters.

Spelling is taught through a systematic approach using Monster Phonics, our phonics scheme. All children practise spelling during phonics sessions, this may be recorded in books or on worksheets. Children have Monster Phonics sound and word mats available to support writing across the curriculum. Spellings are sent home on a weekly basis throughout the year with Year 1 children having 10 spellings per week and Year 2 having 20 spellings per week to learn. 

Punctuation and Grammar are directly taught, and teachers make every effort to make this area fun and meaningful by linking it to texts that pupils are reading, as well as explaining the effect of using punctuation and grammar effectively in their writing.

Handwriting is taught on a weekly basis with children learning a cursive style when correct letter formation is secure. We aim for children to develop a cursive writing by the end of Key Stage 1.